Thursday 10 March 2011

In a World Without Love, there is not Hate. But in a World Without Hate, there is not Love...

The theme of the short story “Risk” by Joanna Russ is “Life is not life without risk” and the theme in the song “Headlights on Dark Roads” by Snow Patrol is “For every action, there is a consequence and not to be afraid of taking risks”. In the short story “Risk”, John Hemingway London Rockne Knievel Dickey Wayne wakes up from being frozen to find the new world has no danger. John hated that the world was danger free, the fact that there was no adventure, only waiting... John says “MANKIND-IDENTITY-EVEN LIFE ITSELF-DEMANDS CONSTANT TEST OF DANGER!” meaning that even though the future is unpredictable, it’s normal. If everyone knew what their life would be like forever from the day they were born to the day they died, where’s the suspense, the fun and the insanity? When the scientists heard what John was saying, they were shocked that even though they just created a world that is safe, John wanted his old life. He wanted that suspense, that raw feeling of waiting to find out what is going to happen next. He liked to know that even though he did not know what was going to happen, that he would still be happy because he was living the life he wanted. The scientists were angry that John was not appreciative for this new danger-free world, so they said “Very well; you shall have your risk” and injected him with the bubonic plague.  In the song “Headlights on Dark Roads”, the lyrics say that risk and the feeling is necessary. The first two lines “For once I want to be the car crash, Not always just the traffic jam” means he wants to feel the risk, he wants to be the reason behind something not just stay on the sidelines. The third line “ Hit me hard enough to wake me” means he wants to be in the action and he knows not to let his life pass him by. The last line of the chorus “Cause I’m so tired of all this fear” means he want to put all the fear behind him and live his life to the fullest. The two texts connect because both represent to not be afraid of the feeling, to take chances and to not be scared of taking risks. Risks may be dangerous but without them, life would be dull. There would be no meaning, risks create life in every way.  

Headlights on Dark Roads by Snow Patrol

For once I want to be the car crash
Not always just the traffic jam
Hit me hard enough to wake me
And lead me wild to your dark roads

Headlights, before me
So beautiful, so clear
Reach out, and take it
'Cause I'm so tired of all this fear

My tongue is lost, oh I can't tell you
Please just see it in my eyes
I pull up thorns from our ripped bodies
And let the blood fall in my mouth

Headlights, before me
So beautiful, so clear
Reach out, and take it
'Cause I'm so tired of all this fear

Sunday 6 March 2011

Thematic Blog ISU- Intro

"forget the risk and take the fall, if it's what you want, then it's worth it."

Heyy :)  Welcome to Risk or No Risk! This blog is about taking chances and not letting anything stop you! I created this blog as a assignment for English this semester. My teacher created this as our media assignment, we have to connect texts to other media texts like pictures, types of articles, poems, lyrics and well any type of media text. I believe that if don't take risks than you aren't living your life. In life, you can be scared of tomorrow, you have to live in the moment. If you have the fear of dying, then actually you are scared of life. Think about that..... Hope you Enjoy :)

Intro Picture_ Fields, Jonathan Got guts?. 2005. 10 Mar. 2011 http://http//
Quote under the intro picture- Darjeecious 09. Queen. 10 Mar. 2011 http://http//